Hard drugs should not be legal.

When I heard someone saying “Hard drugs should be legal”, I was very surprised. After that, when I check it out on the internet to write my manuscript, I was surprised again because I found so many articles saying “Hard drugs should be legal”. Maybe, I think I understand what they are saying but I cannot agree with them. I definitely think we mustn’t be defeated the problems which drugs have caused. Taking an example I found on the net, I would like to argue against the people saying “Hard drugs should be legal”

The person says there are the following good points if hard drugs are legalized. Firstly, crime reduction. Secondly, increased tax revenues. Thirdly, public health improvements.
The person goes on to say the following things,
Legalization is the only way to achieve proper regulation.
1. Making the addictive drugs (like heroin, cocaine and other "hard" drugs) legal, and available by prescription only. The prescription should be signed by a licensed physician, and given only to people who are already addicted.
2. Making the non-addictive drugs (like marijuana or LSD) legal and available in any pharmacy to everyone older than 21 (or 18, depending on the local laws). Marking the packaging just like the cigarettes are marked now - "using this is detrimental to your health" or something similar.

Do you think crime reduces if hard drugs are legalized? I’m sure crime reduces because using hard drugs is a crime until that is legalized. So, after hard drugs are legalized, crime reduces. It’s natural. But this is a trick of numbers. Our question is whether the crime involved with hard drugs reduces or not. I don’t think it doesn’t reduce if hard drugs are legalized. Some people are saying it surely reduced. But I doubt where the data came from and the data was correct. The people who are addicted by hard drugs commit crimes, such as robbery and murder to get money for buying drugs. They must pay the money for hard drugs if legalized. Whether or not, they need money. If legalized, I wonder if anyone can grow plants to produce drugs so tons of drugs start flowing into everywhere. That’s why the price of drugs goes down? Or I wonder if the government control drugs. Do you think it works well? Even if our government can control drugs well, nobody can say other countries can do well. Look at the tobacco industries. Japan is full of tobaccos made in U.S. So it’s easy to think that everyone can also get drugs easily and even school children can get them in the drugstores and by using the internet.

Do you think tax revenues increase if legalized? Yes, I’m sure tax revenues increase. But, addicted people increase, too. They can get drugs legally, they can use more drugs. The more they use drugs, the more they are addicted. The more they use drugs, the more tax revenue increases. But we have to use more taxes to support their living because there are no jobs for them. Can you employ the people smoking marijuana?

Do you think public health improves if legalized? Yes, I’m sure public health improves because we can get purer hard drugs than ever. The government will check out if the drugs are good. The drugs will be as pure and safe as school children can use. I think it’s very useful for newcomers of hard drugs to be addicted. In Japan, we have the problem which school children can buy a tobacco with vending machines setting up along the streets. Who can say no one set up vending machines to sell drugs? Anyone knows high school students are not adult and high school teachers clean the butts and ashes on the floor in the washroom.

The person who wrote the article tries to divide drugs into two types. How meaningless it is! Some drugs are divided into addictive one and some are divided into non-addictive one. From the point of tobacco smoker’s view, the people smoking light tobacco would like to try to smoke heavier one. Luckily, it’s relatively easy for them to get back to the previous level. What about drugs? I think it’s impossible. Giving up smoking is very difficult for heavy smokers. I guess giving up using heroine is more difficult for the addicted people. That’s why this problem is serious. I’m sure the more the addicted people are addicted again, the more they want more stimulant drugs.

What we legalize hard drugs means to abandon the people who have already been addicted to drugs. I think there are many addicted people who want to get back to previous peaceful life and they are fighting against themselves. They need our help. To reduce crimes in our society, we mustn’t abandon them and we mustn’t make them become living corpses. I never agree with the opinion hard drugs should be legal.

I don’t think legalization is the only way to achieve proper regulation. Before we do it, we have to do our best to use the present regulation more strictly and seriously while we help the addicted people overcome the situations they are in now.

1. 中毒性のドラッグ、、ヘロインやコカイン、その他のハードドラッグ、、は合法とする。そして、処方箋がある時だけ使う。処方箋は資格を持った医師がサインし、すでに中毒になっている人々にだけ出す。
2. 中毒性のないドラッグ、、、マリファナやLSDは合法化し、21歳以上(或いは18歳以上、、地方の法律による)の人はみんなどこに薬局ででも手に入るようにする。ちょうどタバコのパーケージのように『タバコを吸うとあなたの健康が損なわれます』とか、それに似たような事を書く。







今回は燃えたぁーーっ。本当に楽しい話になりました。(^^♪ 取り上げている話題を考えればけっして『楽しい話』ではないけれど、俺にとっては非常に勉強になりました。まず『麻薬を合法化する』ということ自体すごく不思議な気がしました。でもよく話を聴いていると、確かに減るかも知れないと思い始めました。でも、よくよく考えてみると、なんだか納得できないというか、、言いくるめられているというか、、。(^^♪ 街の犯罪の総数の70パーセントが麻薬がらみのもの。ドラッグを合法化したら、犯罪が50パーセント以上減ったというんだ、、。たしかに違法だったものが合法になるんだから、犯罪件数は減るかも知れないと思うし、麻薬のために強盗や殺人をする事件が、総事件の70パーセントも占める街というのは、どんな街なのか分からないし、麻薬がらみというと、一体どこまでをいうのか、分からないし、、。でも世界のどこかでは、そんな街があるんだろうし、俺がドラッグについては完璧に無知なのかもしれない、、。


ドラッグ欲しさから起こす強盗や殺人は減っても、長い目でみると、どうなんだろう、、。合法化されると凄くドラッグが手に入りやすくなるように思うし、そうなると中毒者は増えるだろうし、それを治療する医療費も上がるだろうし、、。タバコもドラッグだというんだよね。確かにタバコは、みんなの健康意識の高まりによって、だんだん喫煙者は少なくなっているように思うけど、それと同じことをハードドラッグに適用して上手くいくのか、凄く心配、、。ドラッグって、一度も経験がないから、どの程度『中毒』をするのか判らなくて、、。^^; ヨーロッパではもう随分以前から議論されている問題らしいです。アメリカの話は日本に流れて来るのは早いけれど、ヨーロッパってとても遠いように思えて、どんなことが話題になっているのか、、ほとんど知らないし気にも止めないけれど、これじゃあいかんっ、と思うようになりました。(^^ゞ
