Stem cell research is good

According to the article on the net, Stem cell research is considered to have begun in earnest with studies during the 1950s and 1960s of solid tumors and blood malignancies. Many basic principles of healthy tissue genesis and development were revealed by these observations of what happens when the normal processes derail.
Now, the research is going into new stage, that is, the results obtained from the research start to be thought of using in many ways in the medical field. For example, some scientists expect of applying to fertile treatment and organ manufacture. On the other hand, some people object to stem cell research, appealing that it’s a behavior to profane God.

I think stem cell research is good.

There are many, many people suffering from terrible diseases we cannot find the ways to cure. Cancer is a typical one in such diseases. Cancer is the disease which cells grow abnormally and once the cells start growing, they don’t know to stop growing and die unlike normal cells. The people who are made the condemnation from their doctors have no ways to survive. They just only wait for time to die. Some people say we can’t help it and all we can do is to care them warmly until time they go to heaven. However, if your brothers and sisters were in such a situation, could you say the same thing to them? Maybe I couldn’t if I were you. I would think I want to help them possibly.

For a long time, we have considered that something we cannot understand about our body and nature is providences of God and the people who tried to illuminate have been called heterodox people from earnest Christian. However, even they are given fruits which the heterodox people have researched for years. I believe that running after the truth or something we don’t know is very useful for all of us. We can’t give up the desire that we want to know. Only one thing we have to be careful is that we mustn’t mistake how to use the fruits we got after long time research.

We can apply stem cell research to various ways in medical field. What is stem sell? Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. Serving as a sort of repair system for the body, they can theoretically divide without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell. So, we might be able to cure the diseases which we have thought we cannot cure for a long time by using the stem cell’s properties. That is to say, we might be able to control and use them in our future.

However, I found a very interesting article about stem cell research on the net. The title was that Bush 'out of touch' on stem cells and it said “Scientists have reacted with anger to US President George W Bush's decision to veto a bill allowing federal funding for new embryonic stem cell research.” and Mr. Bush argued that the law "crossed a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect". I don’t know what a moral boundary is. In this case, I guess the word “moral “was used as God’s will. But it’s very precarious. It’s not tangible. The substance of the word, “moral”, changes as the times change. For example, elderly people are the people we have to respect today just because they are old. But in silver society, we don’t know what happens. I wonder if elderly people are still respected by younger people.
Besides, I don’t know decent society he’s saying. I think it also changes. As far as I read the article, I cannot find certain reasons to veto a bill.

The following article was found on the net
The Catholic Church is against embryonic stem-cell research because it involves the destruction of human embryos. Pope John Paul II says embryonic stem-cell research is related to abortion, euthanasia and other attacks on innocent life.
Don’t you notice that the article is saying only negative side of embryonic stem cell research? I think this research is very important. It’s the reason that the results of this research have possibilities to help a lot of couples who have been suffering from fertile treatment. Moreover, I’ve heard the number of sperm of man’s body is decreasing so it’s getting to be harder to impregnate. If this tendency is a global problem, the existence of human beings will be jeopardized the dangerous situation.

My conclusion is that stem cell research is good. As I mentioned before, the research itself is good but we mustn’t mistake how to use the result. Although we can say the same thing to any result in technological field, I think whether the results are used as a medicine or a poison depend on us, users.
インターネットの記事によると、幹細胞の研究は1950年代から1960年代のsolid tumors and blood malignancies (普通の腫瘍と血液の悪性腫瘍?)の研究と共に本格的に始じまったと考えられています。健康な組織の発生と発展についての多くの基本的な法則は普通の過程が失敗するときには何が起こるのかを観察することによって明らかにされました。今や、研究者達は新しい段階に入っていこうとしています、つまり、その研究から得られた結果を医療分野で多くのやり方で使うことが考えられ始めました。例えば、多くの科学者達は不妊治療や臓器の製造に応用することを期待しています。一方である人々は、それは神を冒涜する行為だと言って、幹細胞研究に反対しています。

俺は 幹細胞研究はいいことだと思います。




しかし、俺はインターネットで幹細胞についての面白い記事を読みました。題名は『ブッシュ大統領は幹細胞に疎い』(?) で、記事は、『科学者達は、新しい胚肝細胞研究のための政府財政の支出を許す法案に反対するアメリカ大統領ジョージブッシュの決断に怒りをもって反応した』 と書いてありました。そしてブッシュ氏は、『 その法は、我々の健全な社会が尊敬すべき道徳の境界線を超えている』 と主張しました。俺は道徳の境界線とは何かが判りません。この場合、神の意思として使われているんだろうと思いますが。しかし、それはとてもあやふやです。それは確固たるものではありません。『道徳』 という言葉の中身は時代と共に変わります。例えば今日ではただ歳をとっているという理由で歳をとった人々は尊敬される人々です。でも老人社会では、どうなるのか判りません。歳とった人々はそれでも若い人達から尊敬されるのかしらと思います。それに、彼が言っている、健全な社会が判りません。俺はそれもまた変わると思います。記事を読んだ限りでは、俺は法案に反対する確かな理由が判りません。


今回は主題が難しかったですぅ〜。いつも判らない事はインターネットを利用するんだけれど、文章をそのまま引用するってことはせずに、自分の言葉で書いていた。ところが今回は医学用語が満載で、なんことがさっぱり。で、引用したはいいけれど、適切な日本語がわからない。だから、日本語の部分でとってもヘンな日本語が一杯出てきてしまった。早い話が訳せない。あはは。^^;^^; 言いたい事ってのは、なんとなく理解出来ても、適切な日本語が、お馬鹿な頭の中には、はっきし言って、無いっ。^^; もう、やになってきました。でも負けませんわ。

