Fish farming is good

Statement: Fish farming is good.
I love fish so I eat fish very often. People around me look like they love fish because most of the people order “Sashimi” first when we go to the Japanese restaurants for a drink. There are many ways to eat fish. Some people love raw fish and some people love cooked fish. We can get many kinds of canned fish. When I heard that American people didn’t eat fish and fish was one of the forages for animals, I was so surprised. That’s why I was glad when I heard Sushi was very popular in the U.S.

Japan is known as one of the biggest fish consumption countries. Recently, I’ve read in the paper that the consumption of fish is rapidly going up worldwide and provision of fish has not caught up with it. Some reasons are said by experts in the paper. One of the reasons seems to think that Chinese people started eating more fish because they became rich.

However, as there’s a limit of the amount of fish in the sea, the more we eat fish, the more the supply of fish is shortage.

To resolve the problem, fish farming is one of the very good ways. Every year, the important convention is held to talk about how much fish we can catch. In this convention, allotments of each country are decided. For example, Japanese allotment is decreasing little by little every year. This is very important problem for Japanese people. If this situation continued, we had to change our diet habit because we eat fish daily. On the other hand, some people say that catching too much fish like Japan causes extinction of fish, which in turn might cause disintegration of ecosystem. I understand what they say. Therefore, we have to do fish farming and keep ecosystem. Fish is eaten by not only human but also birds and animals. If certain fish died out, certain birds or animals would die out, too. If this chain reaction started, we might not be able to stop it and at last it might extend to human beings. We have to stop it possibly.
I don’t know much of fish farming but I think there seems to be many styles. Now, in Japan, many kinds of fish are grown with fish farming. The technology has been innovating since fish farming started. Two or three years ago, perfect fish farming of tuna succeeded here in Wakayama.

Besides, we can protect fishermen’s lives from the danger working on the sea by fish farming. Taking an example of Japanese fishermen, we can see that they are getting to be older and older. Young people don’t want to be a fisherman because of a dangerous and hard work. However, the fish demand gradually goes up globally.

A lot of people in the world have started noticing that eating fish is very good for our health. Japan buys tons of fish from all over the world. According to the article in the paper I read, Japan sometimes can’t buy fish we want because the price of the fish has gone up nowadays. Other countries, especially China, seem to buy a lot of fish so Japan is beaten in the competition of fish buyers.

Fish is very important food for us. By fish farming, we can keep decent price because we can control the amount of fish. It had been very difficult for farmers to control decent prices of agricultural products. However, they could control some products by innovating seeds and methods to grow them. Now, they provide good products at reasonable prices to customers. Of course, the innovation of seeds and methods is still kept on studying to grow better ones. Fish is considered as one of the natural resources in the sea. So, if we continue to catch fish forever, we will run out of fish some day. Generally speaking, less of something makes the price higher. We have to control demand and supply of fish by fish farming like agricultural products. I think fish farming is the best way to reach our goal.








英文のある部分を先生に訂正されたんだけれど、すっかり忘れてしまいました。でへへっ。^^;今回はお正月を挟んだので、酒飲みすぎてぼーーっとした頭で書いたので、どうも自分でもまとまって無い感じがしました。相手がイギリス人なので英語でいうとすっごく説得力があります。当たり前だけどね、、。^^; でもこれはディベートの『練習の練習』だから、俺としてはもっとしっかりした説得力のある英文を目指しているんだけど、上手くいきません。まぁ〜、俺の頭の中が二つに割れていて、一方では、もっと固い難しい単語を選んで書こうという頭と、いやいやっ、こういう文でも、普段使う言葉を練習しないと、『普通』に役に立たないじゃないかっていう頭があって、実際、、迷ってます。^^;

先生の反論は、世界の漁業関係者の意見は『魚を獲らない』ってのが『正攻法』らしいですな。ただ、世界の漁師を束ねるのが難しいらしい、、。^^; 方法としては、ある一定の地域の魚を年数を決めて獲らないようにして、魚が自然に増えてきたら獲るというふうにするのが、海の資源を守るには一番いいらしいです。魚好きの日本人としては、とても難しいですな。しばらく好きな魚を食うのを我慢するか、とてつもなく高い魚を食うか、、ですもんねぇ〜。^^; だから、養殖は駄目だと、、。それに俺は今まで知らなかったんだけれど、、、まぁ〜、英語の聞き違いって事もあるけれど、、、^^;、、、魚の養殖でも遺伝子操作をしているようで、、。だから先生は、そんな魚を食うのは危険だっていうんです。農産物の遺伝子操作は知ってたけど、、その技術は魚にまで及んでいるんですねぇ〜。