Santa Crouse is not real

Christmas Eve is coming soon. Not only many children but also adults are looking forward to Christmas presents from Santa Crouse. Everybody hang a sock by their bedside for the presents Santa Crouse will bring to you. Next morning, everyone will find their presents and shout with glee. And then, they will put the present under the Christmas tree.

When I was a child, I believed in Santa Crouse. So, I tried to be a good boy when Christmas was approaching and prepared a sock for a Christmas present. I remember making a sock with a white and a red paper. But I was so surprised to find sweets in the one of the nice boots made of silver paper. I think the face of Santa Crouse drown on the paper was pasted on the silver boot. It’s a wonderful memory of my childhood Christmas. However, I was not getting to believe Santa Crouse, though I can’t remember the certain time. I think it was the reason that I’d known Santa Crouse was my parents.

I believe Santa Crouse is not real.

According to the article written about Santa Crouse on the net, the origin of Santa Crouse is said to have been the legend of the man called saint Nicholous. He was one of the fathers of the church and his name Nicholous was pronounced “Sinterklaas” in Duch.

In the beginning of 17 century, the Netherlands started building New Amsterdam in Manhattan island. But Britain got this island in this century and named it New York.
After independent war, New York history association was established in 1804. At that time, Saint Nicholous, who was also a patron saint of Amsterdam, became a patron saint of the New York history association.

On the other hand, in UK, there was a custom that the Father Christmas brought presents to children on the Christmas day. Those two were mixed up and Santa Crouse was born as a person who gives presents in New York in 19 century.

A very interesting story was introduced in this article. Speaking of Santa Crouse, we can imagine the old and a little bit chubby man with a white beard. And the man wears a red cloth rimmed by a white cloth and always smiles. This image of Santa Crouse was said to have made by Coca Cola Corporation because the colors of white and red are corporate color of Coca Cola. This image had been used for the advertisement worldwide since 1931. But today’s Santa Crouse image appeared on the Japanese boys’ magazine over 15 years earlier than 1931. Then Japan was the biggest manufacturer of Christmas goods in the world. That’s why some people have been saying the original image of Santa Crouse was made by Coca Cola but we can say it’s not true.

Looking back on the origin of Santa Crouse, we would say that we could not find any evidence of existence of real Santa Crouse. We could find the man that we had thought he might have been the origin of Santa Crouse. However, he was definitely one of the fathers of the church, not Santa Crouse. There was the legend that Saint Nicholous threw three lumps of gold into the poor man’s house and they fell into a sock by chance. However, Santa Crouse showed up in front of us as a person who played the role which gave presents. Santa Crouse was an illustration put on the poem written by Moor who was a professor of Colombia University.

To think of it, it’s very difficult to say that Saint Nicholous was the origin of Santa Crouse. We have to say Santa Crouse was the fruitage of our imagination based on the beautiful story of Saint Nicholous. So, Santa Crouse is not real.

I think there are some stories like this everywhere in the world. For example, there’s an old Japanese story “かぐや姫”, “princess Kaguya”. Nobody would think there was a real girl called Kaguya, but, it’s easy to think there might have been a very beautiful girl like the girl in the story long time ago. In the story, when her parents tried to make a decision about who was the most eligible as a groom of Kaguya, they gave very difficult tasks to candidates to get Kaguya’s love. I don’t know whether those episodes were real or not, but I feel like I can understand very complex feeling of her parents. This makes us feel this story is likely one. I think Santa Crouse is like those stories such as “Princess Kaguya



ネットでサンタクロースについて書かれた記事によると、サンタクロースの起源は聖ニコラウスと呼ばれた男の伝説だったと言われています。彼は司教の一人で、オランダ語では「シンタクラース」 と発音されました。





世界中のどこでもこれに似た話はあると思います。例えば『かぐや姫』という日本の古い物語があります。だれも「かぐや」と呼ばれた本当の女の子がいたとは思わないでしょう。でも、ずっと昔、その話の中の女の子と似たとても綺麗な女の子がいたかもしれないと考えるのは簡単です。話の中で、だれが『かぐや姫』 のお婿さんに一番ふさわしいかを両親が決めようとしたとき、彼らはかぐやの愛を得るための難しい仕事を候補者に与えました。この挿話がほんとうかどうか判りませんが、俺は複雑な両親の気持ちはわかるような気がします。これは、この話が俺達にありそうな話だと感じさせます。俺はサンタクロースは「かぐや姫」のような話に似ていると思います。
サンタクロースは実際にいるのかといわれても全然判りません。あはは。で、ちょっと調べてみましたけどかなりいい加減です。^^; 最後は『かぐや姫』まで持ち出して、こじつけてしまいましたけど、さすがにクラスメートの失笑をかってしまいました。俺も、、あはは、無理だと思ったんだけどな、、やっぱり、ってところです。もう議論はめちゃめちゃになりました。先生はイギリス人だけど、サンタは本当だと主張。『これはもう文化的な違いだ』とか『非常にアメリカ的だ』とか、、そこへ逃げられると、どうしようもないじゃないかって感じで、、。^^; 
