FTC warns Softbank Mobile


The Fair Trade Commission warned Softbank Mobile Corp. on Tuesday about its eye-catching ads on pricing, accusing it of potentially misleading the public.

It said the ads by the nation's third-ranked cellphone carrier could violate the law regulating expressions used in advertisements.

The FTC also plans to issue cautions--a milder form of administrative guidance--to NTT DoCoMo Inc. and KDDI Corp. over some of their ads on pricing plans which the watchdog body regards as possibly misleading, sources said.

The FTC will ask the telecommunication industry association to instruct its cellphone carrier members to be more transparent in explaining pricing structures, the sources said, adding that many advertising blurbs are simply too complicated to understand.

The Asahi Shimbun

Oh my gosh!! I can't explain about such a difficult problem to others. I think, more ore less, any advertisement is exaggerated when we are watching it on TV and reading it on a paper. But in this case, it was too exaggerated. Advertisement sometimes is so informative that we need it to buy products with paying reasonable prices. But too much exaggerated advertising is not good.
ひょえーーーっ!! そんな難しい問題について他の人に説明なんか出来ないっ。^^; 俺は、テレビで広告を見たり新聞で読んだりする時は、多かれ少なかれ、どんな広告も誇張されていると思うんです。でもこの場合は、誇張され過ぎちゃったんだよね。 広告は時々情報満載ってことがあるから、それなりの代金を払って製品を買うために必要なんです。でもあまりに誇張した広告をするのはよくないよね。(^^)