Tankan survey: Business confidence up for 3rd straight quarter

The Asahi Shimbun

Business confidence among major manufacturers increased for the third straight quarter to its highest level since September 2004, the Bank of Japan said Friday in its Tankan survey.

The diffusion index--the percentage of manufacturers reporting favorable business conditions minus those reporting unfavorable conditions--stood at plus 25, up 1 point from the previous survey in September.

The index is the highest since plus 26 was reported in September 2004.

The central bank surveyed 9,789 companies from Nov. 10 through Dec. 14.

The positive outlook was due mainly to lower crude oil prices and thriving exports supported by weakening yen against the dollar.

Capital investment among major manufacturers continued to increase, while the employment situation also improved, according to the survey.

The BOJ will hold its Policy Board meeting Dec. 18 and 19 to examine the Tankan data and discuss whether to change its interest rate policy.

But the central bank will not likely raise interest rates right away, given the slow recovery of consumer spending, analysts said. (IHT/Asahi: December 15,2006)

The Asahi Shimbun

It's not realistic to ordinary people. It seems to be very far from our everyday life. If business confidence among major manufacturers really increased, please raise interest rates, I don't have as much money as I worry about, though. I'd like Japanese government to take measures to make us feel like our income has increased more.